Monday, March 11, 2013

3/10 Update

It was another light day for our Madeline. She's still intubated but they are steadily decreasing her treatments. She's taking to her feedings well and they've increased it up to a whopping 1.5 ml per hour. Our hope is that as the feedings increase, we'll be able to get some weight on her and fingers crossed, maybe she'll cross over to 1 kilogram today.

Because she's been so stable over the past few days, Kristen got to kangaroo with her again. Both of them love it so much it darn near takes a crowbar to separate them when it's time to go. They snuggle up together and can sit there for hours chilling out and for Madeline, snoozin'.

Madeline was super active yesterday kicking up a storm. Her legs and arms were flying all over the place and it was hilarious! Sometimes it looks like she has a purpose for all of the movement and other times she looks like she just wants to go crazy with it. Either way, it tickles us every time.

Status quo days are great and here's hoping today goes as well as the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen you don't look old enough to have a baby. You look 12. I guess I did too when I had my first. Now I have 3 and I look about 80 years old- see what you have to look forward to.
    Keep the pics coming. Love to see them.
