Down the roller coaster we go as Madeline had a pretty awful day yesterday. We got a call from the doctor in the morning (we're getting conditioned to seriously dread her phone ringing in case it's the NICU) saying that she had to be intubated again. The cause was that her lungs had desaturated multiple times and she wasn't breathing correctly causing the re-intubation. The doctors are thinking it could be either another pneumothorax or a respiratory infection. Either way, it's not good news and we're praying for another pneumo. Infection is scarier to us even if she's been on antibiotics the whole time and is getting even more now. Putting the icing on this terrible cake for all three of us was the battery of tests she had to go through in the morning. Watching her getting visibly upset with all of the pricks and prods might have been the hardest thing we've gone through to date. Obviously all of the testing is mandatory but it just sucked watching her struggle in pain and not be able to meaningfully comfort her.
By the evening, she was back to being stable and we left praying that the worst of the day was over. The results of the blood work will indicate if she has an infection and we should see those results today or tomorrow. She was resting easy and looked like a different baby from morning to night which probably helps us more than her. I can tell she's still fighting because even with all of the tubes and wires, we can see her little smile when she realizes we're there. All that's left is to pray and hope she fights through this and gets back to where she was on Wednesday as soon as possible.
Today will be better than yesterday!
Here's a few pictures we took yesterday:
Mom comforting Madeline. |
Madeline @ 9 days. |
My prayers are overflowing... I have been where you are and i know how hard its too see your baby suffer... Hang in all have a beautiful fighter and she will pull through this!!! Looking forward to a better update soon! Love to you all!